Loving a baby

What I learnt this summer, aside from frying an egg while keeping the yolk perfectly gooey, the taste of loneliness and how to do my own threading,was the hot and immediate comfort of holding you, pressing a baby cheek to my face, watching you absentmindedly curl your small, moist hand around my finger while you stared out at the cars driving by, thrilling to the way you learnt to trust me one glance, one step at a time, until you had faith enough in me to follow me anywhere, to trust me to pick you up and wipe away your tears when you were sick in your own clothes that one time. Everytime I brushed back your dark hair or watched you fall asleep - what does a baby dream? - I wanted to stop time, turn back the hour hand on the clock, knowing that each moment I spent with you was precious and irreplaceable.
You see, I will never get any of them back. Because the next time I see you, even if it is only a couple of months from now, you will never be the same toddler that you are now. You will never be this old again, and oh will I ever miss it.

Dedicated to my littlest cousin - the newest addition to our family. May God bless you always!


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