Finding God in Engineering

The further I wade into the engineering world, the more firmly I believe in God. The best part about completing a degree is when you're done with it, you have struggled your way through a number of courses, you have touched upon so many subjects...barely skimmed through them as it were. But you begin to see the way it all fits together in the end, how all these parts combine to form a whole, letting our computers and laptops and mobile phones communicate with each other seamlessly. You look around your room and count the number of man-made things in it...each one imagined into existence by a brilliant human mind, shaped and fashioned by human hands or dare I say it, a CONTROL SYSTEM. It all gels together; the electricity that fuels our world, the digital electronics that control our gadgets, the billions and billions of bits that our digital machines decode and follow as if by magic. What makes all this work? A set of mathematical rules and laws, some of them complex, some of them simple but that's all they are and they have the ability to  pull order out of a seemingly chaotic world, solve problems previously thought to be insurmountable, set straight the crooked.
And so I ask, who made the laws? The laws themselves highlight a unitary purpose and a magnificent order underlying the creation of the universe.
Just the fact that your laptop powers up is proof that He exists. Just the fact that all the programs written for our machines actually produce the correct results is evidence for a Creator beyond the reach of our perception. How can you not believe if you trust in math and numbers and the unfailing accuracy of an addition operation?

"Had there been in heaven or on earth any deities other than God, both [those realms] would surely have fallen into ruin! But limitless in His glory is God, enthroned in His awesome Almightiness [far] above anything that men may devise by way of definition!"
The Quran, 21:22


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