Hi there.

I've had a moody kind of day. Actually, no, I should make use of my newfound GRE vocab and say I've been CANTANKEROUS all day. Whatever. There's always an alarming amount of unfinished work and deadlines swarming around me, and seriously, all I ever manage to do is read Gone With The Wind. I'd like to think I'm not the only one and that procrastination and laziness are necessary characteristics of any college student but then I should learn from my ingenious classmates who seem to have time to revise lectures and finish assignments and study for tests and lab tests and complete their lab manuals on time and still have energy left over to attempt bonus mark questions. Impressive.
And to top it all, I got such an exciting text message this evening. There's a distraught soul out there who wants to be my 'frnd', he says he knows who I am even though I don't know him. How comforting to know that there is someone out there who cares! I shall warm my poor, lonely heart with just the thought of his daring messages. It's really too bad he'll never find out my true sentiments.


All manner of sarcastic replies came into my mind, but I forced myself to resist because you know what these idiots are like. They just need something to set them off. You send them one text, they reply with a thousand or so. Oh, but how I wished I could have taken out the day's frustration and stress on this unknown individual. I would've told him just exactly what I think of him and other members of his gender who get away with taking advantage of us poor girls out there.

But then again, it could've been a girl who wanted to make me her 'frnd'. Girls can surprise you. I guess I'll never know.


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