Gone With the Wind - my unhealthy obsession.
I have always loved Gone With the Wind. I fell in love with it the minute I started reading it, and I could feel deep in my bones that I would carry the story with me forever. It's been about three years since I first finished it and during that time, the afterglow of that exhilerating story did dim somewhat. Until I picked it up again. And now I'm absolutely obsessed. I think human beings love tragedy. Tragic endings leave a much greater impression on our foolish, sentimental hearts than a happy ending riding away into the sunset ever could. But that's not the only reason I'm a diehard fan of GWTW. The story SPOKE to me on so many levels. I could relate to almost all of the characters. Annoyingly, I could relate most to Ashley Wilkes. And he's supposed to be the weakest character in the novel. It's not that I would've done what he did with Scarlett and Melanie. But everything he said, oh man, EVERYTHING he felt about the passing away of the old Sout...