Life in the Desert
Saudi Village Yamama Painting - Saudi Village Yamama Fine Art Print - Yvonne Ayoub |
With a wide, vague ,
almost sensual turn of his arm he describes a circle in the air - a circle
which encompasses everything that belongs to this life: the poor, dusky room,
the wind and its eternal roar, the relentless advance of the sands; longing for
happiness, and resignation to what cannot be changed; the platter full of
dates; the struggling orchards behind their shield of tamarisks; the fire on
the hearth; a young woman's laughter somewhere in the courtyard beyond: and in
all these things and in the gesture that has brought them out and together I
seem to hear the song of a strong spirit which knows no barriers of
circumstance and is at peace with itself.
Excerpt from The Road to Mecca by Muhammad Asad