A leap of faith.

It's so easy to get hurt on this planet. Human beings are imperfect, and they're rarely able to get from each other what they truly want. Relationships are messy. No matter how close two people might be, in reality I feel they're still alone, because it's impossible to truly stand in the other person's shoes and actually know what they're thinking and what they expect from life, what they expect from you...and isn't that how people get hurt? Because of this unbridgeable communication gap that can never really be overcome? What are the chances of having someone in your life who can give you exactly what you want? If you have someone like that, I'd say you're pretty darn lucky. I sometimes wonder why things seems to work out so easily for some people-they don't even have to try-while for others, no matter how much they give, it's never enough. But then I think everyone must have their fair share of problems in life, we probably just don't see it from this side. We struggle with emotions and feelings and messy friendships on a daily basis, and it seems like there's really no solution, no safe guaranteed path that can lead us out of it. But everything must happen for a reason (God, I can't even keep track of the number of times I've used this line) because if it didn't, all the hurt and pain would be for absolutely nothing and life would be unbelievably unfair. I wonder if I would've done things differently if I had the chance, and not make the mistakes I did. But then, would I have lived as much as I feel I've lived now? Granted, it was more of an emotional journey than anything else-still is-and I've been hurt, and I've cried but through all that sadness, I feel like I understand myself and the people around me better, so no, I guess I wouldn't do things differently, I guess it wasn't all for nothing. And maybe most people wouldn't see it that way. But we all need to take a chance. We all need to take a leap of faith at some point in our lives, otherwise how will ever have truly lived?

(Okay, this post obviously didn't turn out the way I wanted to. I think I just drifted off topic completely:P)


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