Say NO to Sparkly Vampires!

So I've moved on from watching Gossip Girl to The Vampire Diaries. When I told one of my old school friends about my current interest in TV shows (mainly GG, TVD and Glee), his reaction was 'WOW, what happened to you?!' But I need a break, and indulging in chick flick teen dramas can't be all that bad! And anyway, The Vampire Diaries is nothing like Twilight, thank God.
I'd pretty much given up on vampires after finishing the Twilight Saga and (painfully) watching its first three movies. Thanks to Stephenie Meyer (the author for all you lucky people who've been fortunate enough to not read the books), the prospect of any sort of relationship between a vampire and a human just made me sick. Seriously Bella Swan is the worst female protagonist EVER. She's supposed to be smart, and she reads impressive books like Wuthering Heights but she doesn't have a personality!!! And any hopes she had of actually getting one are ruined once she sets eyes on the mysterious, perfectly sculpted body of Edward Cullen. After reading the books, you get the impression that Bella and Edward's entire relationship is based on how hot Bella finds him and the fact that Edward can't read Bella's mind the way he can read everyone else's, oh and also how he really really wants to drink her blood. Wow Stephenie Meyer, that's a great message to give young girls everywhere! Okay, I'll stop trashing the series since I know plenty of websites that can do it a lot better than me. (If you're interested in more anti-Twilight talk, please check out this blog:, you won't be disappointed:))
So when I heard The Vampire Diaries was about 'a teenage girl torn between two vampire brothers', I knew I'd never make the mistake of watching it. But I was so bored during my study leave, I gave it a shot and it's turned out really good. At least Elena (the main character) in it is interested in things aside from her vampire boyfriend. And she thinks for herself. I won't get into the whole Damon-Elena and Stefan-Elena argument (which couple do YOU think is better?), although Damon's definitely my favourite. It's impossible to resist a bad boy who's got a soft spot which he's always trying to hide:P Besides, Stefan is way too inconsistent. I'm happy to say the vampires in TVD do NOT sparkle in the sun and can only be killed with a stake through the heart. (Seriously. Sparkly vampires?! What was Stephenie Meyer thinking?)
What I love most about the show is its soundtrack. I've discovered some amazing songs on it. Such as this one:

                                          Sarah Bareilles - Breathe Again

If you're bored this summer and are struggling to reconcile yourself to Twilight's crappy version of vampires that are unaffected by sun and stakes, give The Vampire Diaries a chance. If nothing else, it's a good distraction from the heat:)


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