Writer's Block and Bad Poetry.

I've been trying to get this poem written for more than a year now. I know what I want to write about and I've had random bursts of inspiration plenty of times, but they always sputter out sooner or later leaving me with a  collection of absolutely revolting poetry. The Idiot's Guide to Writing Poetry talks about how the key to writing good poetry is to focus on objects and use them to describe emotions and feelings, instead of using too many adjectives and adverbs. Why can't I write anymore? Is it writer's block? Then again, I'm hardly a writer. I've got so much on my mind lately that when it actually comes down to it, when I'm sitting down with a blank sheet of paper in front of me, NOTHING comes out. And whatever does, ends up sounding silly! I've also read that it's a good idea to let a poem you've just written rest for a while. Leave it alone for a couple of weeks and when you next take it out, it'll have grown into something else. In any case, you'll be able to critique it better and make additions to it, etc. It doesn't particularly work for me. I can let my poetry simmer for years but whenever I look at it again, it seems as hopeless as ever! 

I once met a really nice Indian lady at the Los Angeles International Airport. We were stuck in the departure lounge waiting for our delayed flight to arrive - I swear, there is nothing sweeter than the time spent idling away in airport lounges; it's like time's stopped for you and your fellow passengers, cutting you off from the busyness of the outside world and you can waste it without feeling guilty - anyway, so I was reading, and when the lady asked me what book it was, I started going on about how it was a poetry anthology I had recently bought and how much I loved it and poetry in general, even though I was an engineering student, and that I sometimes wondered if I had chosen the wrong career for myself. She was all 'So what if you're doing engineering? That doesn't mean you can't write/read poetry, if anything, engineering should give you more ideas on what to write about and a fresher perspective!' She went on to tell me about a friend of hers who was studying something completely unrelated to poetry and English literature, but still wrote poetry when she had time. All in all, she was right, and I have got to find some way of merging current mirrors and bridge rectifiers with the wonderful potential the English language possesses. Turn everything into a poem!

First things first, though. I thought I'd collect all my bad poetry and publish it on my blog, since it's obviously never going to see the light of day anywhere else. Bear with me : )


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