
I dunno why I'm getting that end-of-year feeling these days. It's too soon. I mean, we've still got two whole months to go until 2012! And a lot can happen in two months. Maybe it's because exams are close, which means my 4th semester, my second year of engineering is almost over!! Wow, when did that happen? Besides, it's finally getting chillier-okay, just a little:P-in this perpetually hot city. At least, the nights are cooler and the fan feels irritating some mornings. Winter in Karachi is perfect. The only thing it's lacking in is snowfall. 

Anyway, it's been a weird year. It'll probably turn out to be one of those defining years that I'll remember when I'm older. You know that feeling when you're in your final year of school? You're about to graduate and leave your childhood behind forever and you're in the senior-most class in the building which gives you unquestionable authority to boss around everyone else. In that year, everything seems to fall into place. You know what you want from your future, you know who your friends are and who you've got to watch out for, and seems like you've a pretty good idea of who you are yourself. Well, as it turns out, once university starts, some people head back to square one and have to figure everything out all over again. In 2009, I knew exactly who I was and what I wanted. And now, just two years in university, and I find myself questioning everything I'd always taken for granted before...people I've known for years, beliefs I've held on to all this time..are they really all I thought they were? I don't know. It feels like I've lost an awful lot of friendships this year. They seem like a lot because they meant so much to me. People I thought I'd do anything for, and stay in touch with forever. It was me who changed, in the end. And I'm glad because I'd really like to start over. So I'm glad 2011's almost done. It's been a very interesting year.


Mehreen said…
yeah ,, seriously i feel like i have no aim in life n no objectivity but to fool around :p
i likes .

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