Why do we feel so useless when exams finally end, when it's all we've been waiting for?

When I started this blog, I promised myself I'd post as regularly as possible. But then my Second Year, First Term exams came around and I realized just how close to failing I was about two weeks before the first one. There are lots of things I've learned about myself this year, like the fact that I've got a one-track mind, and despite being a girl and consequently being blessed with twelve thinking centers (I think), I'm not very good at multi-tasking. The only thing I was concentrating on the past two months was not failing, which meant that I wasn't thinking much about blogging or poetry or reading good fiction (that's pretty much the extent of my interest in the arts). Anyway, exams are OVER. I managed to do decently in all of them, well, except for Electronics. Which is embarrassing since it's my major. I'm doing Electronic Engineering, for crying out loud, but I'll spare you my diatribe on my awful studying habits since I don't want to put you all to sleep:)


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