To be read while listening to The Reason by Hoobastank (preferably on a stereo system)

close my eyes and I see him so clearly. He stands on the cramped stage; everything about him the image of perfection. Dressed casually-white t-shirt emphasizing his toned arms and faded-in-all-the-right-places jeans, he holds onto the microphone like it's his lifeline. He raises his shaved head, rubs his scratchy three-day stubble, and looks right at me as the opening strains of the song he's going to sing play. 
He sings for me. He sings with feeling. All my life I've waited for him and the moment lives up to my expectations. The crowd titters. It's an old song. Not something you'd perform in a concert. Does he care? No. When he's done, he reaches out, pulls me up on stage with one fluid motion and before my thoughts can catch up with life, he's kneeling in front of me on the dusty floor of the stage. His jeans are smudged. 'Classic' I think as he reaches into his back pocket and pulls it out-unmistakably a ring, and asks me to have him, if I will. The ring could've been made out of wood for all I care. I was his from the beginning.

No, I haven't been reading too much Twilight. It's just what I see in my head every time The Reason starts playing. In any case, it makes more sense than its official music video. If you know exactly what the real video's about, PLEASE let me know!


Rafi said…
I lv this song! :D
Wajiha Maryam said…
I know!! It always makes me happy no matter how upset I might be feeling:)

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